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Marching Band Handbook and Forms


Below, you will find clickable links for forms and information. All forms are due preferably at the Parent Meeting on April 30th but no later than May 20th.


Optional forms from the packet above:

  • Hardship Form 


Volunteer Forms:



Ways to pay:

  1. Place a check in the payment box in the band room.

    • Checks must be placed in an envelope that includes the student's name, the amount of money in the envelope, and what the payment is for.

    • Make checks payable to Meade County Band Boosters and include the student's name in the memo portion.

  2. Mail a check.

    • Make checks payable to Meade County Band Boosters and include the student's name in the memo portion.

      • Use the following address:

        • Meade County Band Boosters, P.O. Box 271 Brandenburg, KY 40108

  3. ​​​Pay online using the PayPal link below.

    • Make sure you specify in the comment section the student that the payment is for and what the payment is for. ​

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